Contract for the State Auditor

Looking for contracting opportunities?

Contracting opportunities with the Office of the Washington State Auditor are posted on the Washington's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) application. Anyone may register in the WEBS system to view and receive updates on contracting opportunities. For assistance with doing business with the state, visit the website for the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services.

Types of contracts the Office of the Washington State Auditor makes available:

  • Performance audit services
  • Audit services
  • CPA services
  • Staff assistance
  • Other services (including subject-matter expertise)

Most recent requests for proposals/solicitations

Forecasted purchases

The Supplier Diversity Policy from the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services requires all state agencies to publicly post their forecasted purchases for the upcoming fiscal year on their websites by Oct. 1.

View interlocal agreements

The Interlocal Cooperation Act provides the authority for state agencies to contract with other government entities.

View SAO's list of Interlocal, Intergovernmental and Interagency Agreements (PDF).

Emergency purchases

Under state law (RCW 39.26.130), agencies are required to make emergency purchases available for public inspection within three working days following the commencement of work or the execution of the contract, whichever occurs first. Information must remain available for the term of the contract or five working days, whichever is greater.

Sole source contracts

Under state law (RCW 39.26.140), all state agencies entering into sole source contracts are required to post the contracts to a publicly accessible website. “Sole source” means a contractor providing goods or services of such a unique nature or sole availability at the location required that the contractor is clearly and justifiably the only practicable source to provide the goods or services. Notice of proposed sole source contracts will be posted here for no less than 10 working days.

Washington State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE)

The Office of the Washington State Auditor works with the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises. OMWBE certifies small, minority and women-owned businesses to facilitate their participation in public contracting and procurement. This is accomplished through a comprehensive certification process and education. The outcome – successful small businesses led by minorities, women and veterans help make our economy and our families more resilient, strengthening our communities and improving the quality of life for all Washingtonians.

Need to get in touch with our Contracting and Supplier Diversity Team? Contact us via email.