SAO’s Keri Rooney bids farewell after 50 years of public service

Mar 4, 2025

SAO's Keri Rooney and State Auditor Pat McCarthy
Keri Rooney with State Auditor Pat McCarthy

It’s not every day our state legislature honors someone with a resolution, then again, it’s not every day someone like SAO’s Keri Rooney retires.

In February, the Washington State House and Senate honored Keri in recognition of her significant and important contributions to the public good. Keri’s distinguished career began in 1975 with the Washington State Senate, where she worked for 25 years. She later joined the Office of the Pierce County Auditor and then the Office of the Pierce County Executive.

For the last eight years, Keri has served as the Chief of Staff for the Office of the Washington State Auditor.

“Keri’s dedication to Washingtonians cannot be overstated,” said State Auditor Pat McCarthy. “Her expertise in governance, lawmaking and deep understanding of the state’s political landscape has helped advance the cause of good government her entire career.”

Over half a century, Keri’s sage advice and sound counsel to government officials and legislators have helped shaped public policy. She worked on seven political campaigns, and mentored countless people who launched careers in public service and who will carry her legacy of advocating for the public interest.

Among her many accomplishments, Keri created and promoted a program to instill the value of voting into K-12 students called “Voting is Cool,” which provided materials promoting democracy and the value of casting a ballot to tens of thousands of children.

Unofficially, we at SAO have always championed the “Keri is Cool” campaign, and we wish her the very best as she forges a new path in retirement. Thank you, Keri, for all you have done for Washingtonians! 

Fittingly, the Washington State House and Senate recognized Keri's career of service with a resolution. Here we present a video of the Senate honoring her, courtesy of TVW.