What does the Citizen Hotline do?
Any citizen, whether a government employee or not, can report suspected misuse of government property or waste of taxpayer money. Complaints can deal with local and state government, employees and contractors, money and activities.
The Citizen Hotline is also a place to compliment outstanding achievements or a particularly well-run program, and to share suggestions for ways to improve operations.
Citizen Hotline submissions can be made online, or by calling 866-902-3900.
Download a Citizen Hotline poster to post in your workplace (PDF)
File a Citizen Hotline submission
We review all the Citizen Hotline submissions we receive, and assess each one before deciding how to proceed. Citizen Hotline submissions can be made anonymously. However, if you leave your name and how to reach you, it can help us follow up on the complaint, and we can share our conclusions.
State employees with a serious problem to report and who wish to remain anonymous may use the Whistleblower Program.