Resource Library - Cybersecurity

Washington governments need to remain vigilant about the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity threats to their systems and data. Sorting through all the available resources can be time consuming, so SAO has done some of the work for you. Use our guides and posters to improve employee awareness of typical cyber schemes, identify training, webinars and resources from nationally recognized cybersecurity organizations, and understand key cyber considerations based on position responsibilities.

Guide: Improve your cybersecurity without breaking your budget

This short guide provides links to free and low-cost tools, resources and trainings to help local governments improve their cybersecurity posture.

Last updated: July 2023

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Posters: Phishing

These colorful posters, designed to be printed and displayed around your office, remind employees to be suspicious of opening malicious emails from would-be cybercriminals. A great cybersecurity resource.

Last updated: January 2020

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Guide: Cybersecurity considerations for IT professionals

This short guide offers steps for IT professionals to follow for building or improving your local government’s cybersecurity program.

Last updated: July 2023

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Guide: Cybersecurity considerations for facilities and operations professionals

This short guide offers steps for facilities and operations professionals to follow to keep your government’s facilities and systems secure from cyberthreats.

Last updated: July 2023

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Guide: Cybersecurity considerations for legal and compliance professionals

This short guide offers steps for legal and compliance professionals to follow to help ensure your government knows about and complies with legal requirements related to cybersecurity.

Last updated: July 2023

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Guide: Cybersecurity considerations for finance and administrative professionals

This short guide offers steps for finance and administrative professionals to follow as your government considers budgetary decisions related to cybersecurity.

Last updated: July 2023

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Guide: Cybersecurity considerations for HR departments

This short guide offers steps HR departments can take to ensure their employees are properly trained and IT department is equipped with the security expertise it needs to address cybersecurity threats.

Last updated: July 2023

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Guide: Cybersecurity considerations for leadership

This short guide offers steps leaders can take to set the tone and cultural direction needed to improve your government’s cybersecurity program.

Last updated: July 2023

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Guide: Top three cybersecurity responsibilities, by department

This one-page handout is a great starting point for thinking about how cybersecurity is everyone’s job in a local government. The back page of the handout details three cybersecurity considerations for each of the six key departments of a local government.

Last updated: July 2023

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Guide: Work in local government? Here is cybersecurity advice you can use

No matter your job in local government, you have a role to play in keeping your organization secure. This one-page handout provides clear advice and training opportunities for every local government employee.

Last updated: July 2023

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