Resource Library - Open Public Meetings

The Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) was enacted to make the conduct of government more accessible and open to the public. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO's Center for Government Innovation, developed these guides, best practices and checklists to help you comply with the OPMA.

Guide: The Open Public Meetings Act – How it applies to Washington cities, counties and special purpose districts

The Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) was enacted to make the conduct of government more accessible and open to the public. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed this guide as a comprehensive review of the OPMA as it applies to cities, town, counties and special purpose districts.

Last updated: June 2023

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Checklist: Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) – A starting point for agency obligations

The basic requirement of the OPMA is that meetings of governing bodies be open and public. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these practice tips to guide your agency’s OPMA compliance. This is one of many helpful checklists our Office offers.

Last updated: June 2023

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Best Practices: Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) – Notice requirements

The OPMA requires agencies to provide sufficient public notice of their meetings. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these practice tips as a starting guide for OPMA notice requirements.

Last updated: June 2023

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Checklist: Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) – Executive session

The OPMA requires agencies to take specific steps in order to hold an executive session. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed this checklist to guide your agency’s compliance with the OPMA’s requirements for executive sessions. This is one of many helpful checklists our Office offers.

Last updated: June 2023

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Best Practices: Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) – Electronic communications

A governing body’s use of electronic records can complicate a local government’s compliance with the OPMA. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these practice tips to guide your agency’s OPMA compliance as it relates to electronic records.

Last updated: June 2023

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Best Practices: Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) – Developing and modifying agendas

The OPMA requires agencies to make available the agendas for regular and special meetings. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these practice tips to guide your agency on developing and modifying agendas.

Last updated: June 2023

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Best Practices: Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) – Minutes

The OPMA requires agencies to take minutes of all regular and special meetings of the governing body. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these practice tips to guide your agency on taking meeting minutes.

Last updated: June 2023

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