Resource Library - Public Records

The Public Records Act (PRA) establishes basic procedural requirements that each agency must adopt. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO's Center for Government Innovation, developed these guides, best practices and checklists to help you comply with the PRA. 



Checklist: Public Records Act (PRA) – A starting point for agency obligations

The PRA establishes basic procedural requirements that each agency must adopt. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed this checklist as a starting point for PRA compliance. This is one of many helpful checklists our Office offers.

Last updated: March 2021

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Best Practices: Public Records Act (PRA) – How to perform an adequate search

The PRA requires agencies to perform an adequate search to locate records responsive to a public records request. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these practice tips to guide your agency’s search for responsive records.

Last updated: March 2021

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Best Practices: Public Records Act (PRA) – Electronic records and records retention

Electronic records can pose unique challenges related to records retention and the PRA’s requirements. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these practice tips to guide your agency’s compliance with the PRA and records retention laws as they relate to electronic records.

Last updated: March 2021

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Best Practices: Public Records Act (PRA) – Records retention do’s and don’ts

Rules governing electronic records can be complicated, so it can be helpful to have guidance on what is and isn’t allowed regarding common types of records. The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), in partnership with SAO’s Center for Government Innovation, developed these do’s and don’ts to help guide your agency’s compliance with the PRA and records retention laws as they relate to electronic records.

Last updated: March 2021

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