Local governments

Auditor McCarthy: Financial reporting should be easy to read and understand

Since the original issuance of Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 34 in 1999, the Office of the Washington State Auditor has found the resulting financial statement presentations to be unnecessarily complex, less timely and more costly for state and local governments to prepare and have audited. These presentations are also more challenging to understand.

Filing workshops scheduled across Washington

The State Auditor's Office is excited to bring back the popular annual report filing workshops. These workshops are designed to help local governments file their annual financial reports, and to meet the statutory requirement of submitting the report within 150 days of the close of their fiscal year.

New this year, participants can select a one-hour time slot for individualized assistance from a Local Government Support Specialist. Laptops will be provided. If you bring the materials you need to file your report, you may be able to complete and file during your appointment.