Local governments

For 4th year in a row, more governments filing financial reports on time

Local governments are required to submit an annual financial report within 150 days after their fiscal year end under state law (RCW 43.09.230). Exhibit 1 illustrates that the number of governments meeting this requirement has increased for the fourth consecutive year. Exhibit 2 illustrates that 228 of the 302 governments that missed the filing deadline also missed the deadline in 2015.


We value local government feedback

The Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS) roundtables are underway in various locations all over the state. Discussion in these free three hour meetings presented by the State Auditor's Office, includes many topics such as: Information on changes to the BARS manual, a preview of requirements for upcoming GASB standards, demonstration of the Financial Analysis Tool (FIT), and discussion of other valuable resources and trainings free to local governments.

Our Office Provides Resources for Capital Assets Accounting

Accounting for capital assets is an area of difficulty for many governments. General purpose governments have been reporting infrastructure assets for more than a decade because of Governmental Accounting Standard's Board (GASB) Statement No. 34. This pronouncement required the reporting of many more assets than had been previously reported, including some with their own unique challenges such as roads.