Thank you for filing your fiscal year 2023 annual report on time

May 31, 2024

Our Office would like to thank every local government that filed its fiscal year 2023 annual report on time! This year, about 86 percent of local governments met the annual filing deadline (more than 1500 total), proving once again that compliance, accountability and transparency matter in Washington state.

If you’re still working on your annual report, we encourage you to file it as soon as possible. Although the deadline has passed, state law still requires you to submit an annual report. The content of this report plays an important role in your audit and in our ability to publish financial information for the Legislature and the public in our online Financial Intelligence Tool (FIT).

Our Office is here to help you file, correct and resubmit your report, or answer any other questions.

For comments or questions about how the data is published, reach out to SAO's Center for Government Innovation at