The Audit Connection Blog

K&P leadership series: Using the five behaviors to build a Lean culture

Over the course of this series, we’ve explored the five core behaviors—as described in the Kouzes and Posner Leadership Challenge (K&P)—that people can use to become better leaders regardless of their management style or personality. These core behaviors are also the foundation for building a Lean culture in your organization. ... CONTINUE READING

New year, new FIT data

With the new year comes new annual report filings. Our second quarterly update of the 2020 fiscal year financial data in the Financial Intelligence Tool (FIT) includes more governments so you can see where public money comes from and where it goes. ... CONTINUE READING

Annual report: How SAO advanced the mission of good government in 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic rolled on through 2021, Washington’s public auditors kept up their essential work. The Office of the Washington State Auditor continued working closely—and remotely—with local governments and state agencies to ensure accountability and transparency for public resources. ... CONTINUE READING

Updated BARS Manuals now available on SAO’s website

The “Overview of Changes” section contains descriptions of the changes and links to the appropriate sections of the manuals. Please refer to the “Alerts and Changes” tab for determining which revisions might affect your 2021 annual reporting. ... CONTINUE READING

SAO’s top hits of 2021

As we come to the end of 2021, we at SAO want to thank you for your commitment to accountability and transparency. We know it takes people like you, people who care and put in the effort, to make good government happen. ... CONTINUE READING

Protect yourself against losses. Consider bonding today

Do you remember the scene in the holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life,” where George’s Uncle Billy loses an $8,000 deposit and it nearly results in the ruin of the family’s business? Absentminded Uncle Billy had somehow lost or misplaced the money on his way to the bank. In today’s dollars, that deposit would be equivalent to about $96,000. ... CONTINUE READING

BARS Manuals updates starting Dec. 13

The State Auditor’s Office will start the annual process of updating the BARS Manuals (GAAP and Cash) on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021. During the updates, sections of both online BARS Manuals will be unavailable for your use. Once updated, they will be fully available for accounting and reporting guidance related to fiscal year 2021 and forward. ... CONTINUE READING

K&P leadership series: Modeling the way

In our blog series over these past months, we’ve explored four of the five behaviors described in The Leadership Challenge, James Kouzes and Barry Posner’s book on exemplary leadership practices. These four behaviors—shared visioning, enabling others, challenging processes, and encouraging hearts—have one specific thing in common: They ask you to take action in your leadership, such as developing certain skills, recognizing others, or increasing personal interactions. ... CONTINUE READING

Removing the mystery: How auditors select federal programs for audit

Governments that spend $750,000 or more in federal awards during their fiscal year must receive a Single Audit to determine their compliance with certain federal requirements. If your government has received a Single Audit—either annually or at some point in the past—you might have wondered how your auditor selected federal programs for audit. ... CONTINUE READING

World premiere: ‘Fish Tank,’ the limited series

Today marks the premiere of the Center for Government Innovation’s limited series, “Fish Tank,” on SAO's Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. This year, the Center took a new approach to its annual fall outreach to local governments with a four-episode parody of the reality television series, “Shark Tank.” ... CONTINUE READING