The State Auditor's Office is partnering up to simplify your annual reporting requirements

Nov 28, 2016


The State Auditor's Office and the Department of Transportation (WSDOT) have been working together supported by the County Road Administration Board and the Washington State Association of Counties to eliminate duplicate reporting. Currently, counties and cities in Washington State are required to submit an annual street report to WSDOT in June. The data reported in this street report is duplicative of revenues, expenditures and debt information reported to the State Auditor's Office in the annual financial report submission due at the end of May. Many counties and cities have requested to only submit this information once; we are working to make that happen.

Starting in 2017, counties and cities will have the option to participate in a voluntary pilot project by completing their street report as a part of their annual financial report submission to the State Auditor's Office. WSDOT will then extract the street report information directly from the State Auditor's Office, thereby saving time. During the pilot project, county and city governments will still have the option to file their street report directly with WSDOT as they have in the past.

More information about this project will be available to local governments in December 2016. We welcome your comments and feedback as we begin the process of providing this exciting new option to file your street report data with the State Auditor's Office. If you have any questions, please contact Duane Walz, Local Government Specialist, at