Jump-start your government’s cybersecurity program with our new IT policy guide

Sep 4, 2024

The Office of the Washington State Auditor launched the Cyber Checkup program in 2023, and one common result we found from this program is that local governments lack or need to improve their information technology (IT) policies. 

IT policies are the foundation of any strong cybersecurity program. They set expectations, rules and requirements for employees and vendors when it comes to using, managing and securing a local government’s IT resources and data. Without these policies, local governments are at a higher risk of security breaches, data loss, and other incidents that could harm their organizations and the people they serve. 

But creating effective IT policies can be a daunting task for local government leaders, especially since employees and vendors need different information from them. Our new resource, It starts with policy: A guide to jump-starting your cybersecurity program, can help leaders understand what their government’s policies should cover. 

The guide outlines the policy needs and responsibilities for four key users: leadership, employees, managed service providers, and other vendors or third parties. We also included a list of recommended policies and links to resources to help you create them. Download a copy today to jump-start your government’s cybersecurity program. 

Ready for a checkup?  

Whether your government has an established cybersecurity program or is just starting to build one, the Center for Government Innovation’s quick, no-cost checkups can give you actionable steps to improve your overall cyber health. Contact us today to schedule your cyber checkup! 

Visit our Resource Library 

All our cybersecurity and IT guidance is available online at no cost. We have a lot of great information to share, so spend a few minutes in SAO’s Resource Library to see what we have to offer. 

How to reach us for more assistance 

Do you have questions about cybersecurity? Staff in the Center are available to talk with you about best practices and resources. For assistance, reach out to us at Center@sao.wa.gov.