The Audit Connection Blog

Looking back and to the future in Center resources

As we enter the last quarter of 2021, we thought it would be a great time to look back at some key resources and give you a preview of what we're planning next. ... CONTINUE READING

Update: How SAO will audit Washington’s Employment Security Department in light of major unemployment fraud

At the State Auditor’s Office, we’ve heard from members of the public, the Legislature and the media interested to know about the work we are conducting at the state Employment Security Department (ESD). The agency was targeted in a major unemployment benefits fraud scheme earlier this year. SAO is conducting a series of audits of ESD to address three main areas of concern in the unemployment insurance program. ... CONTINUE READING

Auditor McCarthy joins national association’s executive committee

Washington State Auditor Pat McCarthy has been appointed to the executive committee of the National State Auditors Association. The nonpartisan group represents state auditors’ interests in financial management and provides training and resources to professionals in the field. ... CONTINUE READING

These acts of insurrection cannot stand. All Americans must condemn them.

"In light of the horrific attack yesterday on our nation’s Capitol, it is incumbent on every American to condemn these actions. I condemn them in the strongest terms." ... CONTINUE READING

Three small governments declared unauditable; final 2020 tally released

Today, the Office of the Washington State Auditor issued reports declaring three small local governments unauditable, bringing the total of such reports to seven for 2020. ... CONTINUE READING

Annual report takes a 20/20 look at 2020

2020 has been a year unlike any other. However, we at the Office of the Washington State Auditor still have a responsibility to report on what we’ve done this year. We invite you to click through our interactive 2020 annual report in this blog post. ... CONTINUE READING

Single audit alert: Updated guidance for due dates and items reported on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA)

In July, we told you about changes to the single audit due dates and information required to be reported on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA). Additional guidance was published in the 2020 Compliance Supplement Addendum on Dec. 22, 2020, by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. As you read through the entire addendum, here are some key items for your attention ... CONTINUE READING

Boost motivation and productivity with a growth mindset

As this pandemic stretches on and we feel the fatigue of remote work, do you need new ideas to help motivate employees working in the remote environment? Here are some suggestions to keep them engaged and productive. ... CONTINUE READING

GAAP and Cash BARS Updates are Done!

The Overview of Changes contains detailed descriptions of the changes and links to the appropriate sections of the Manuals. Please refer to the Alerts and Changes tab for determining which revisions might affect your 2020 annual reporting. ... CONTINUE READING

Auditor McCarthy releases first audit on unemployment fraud

An audit released today provides the first, high-level accounting of some of the circumstances surrounding the major fraud scheme that targeted Washington state’s unemployment benefits in the spring. ... CONTINUE READING