The Audit Connection Blog

Options are available for moving to 'no contact' cash receipting

The interactions between customer and cashier have become complicated by the pandemic. How do you collect payments but keep everyone safe? If you are exploring your options, here are some resources that might help you. ... CONTINUE READING

Managing remote teams: Situational awareness

This is the second in a series of three posts about managing remote teams based on insights from Lean principles. This time, we look at how to keep a team in sync with each other and senior leadership. ... CONTINUE READING

Check out our updated FIT data

The quarterly update brings fresh data to Financial Intelligence Tool. Check it out now! ... CONTINUE READING

Managing remote teams: Communication channels

Managing remote teams is a critical, new skillset to develop. National surveys indicate that a third of local government employees would prefer to continue working remotely. This is the first in a series of blog posts that will look at insights from Lean management principles that can help today. ... CONTINUE READING

Has your government experienced a cybersecurity issue? Here is when and how to report

Some security breaches are required to be reported to the Washington State Attorney General’s Office (AGO), and sometimes you need to report various cybersecurity issues to the State Auditor’s Office, too! Of course, we hope you have none, but if you find yourself in this spot – here is some important information that can help you comply with law. ... CONTINUE READING

It’s 2020 – better #BeCyberSmart

It’s that time of year again, when villains, creeps and other dangerous characters are testing the locks and doors in your neighborhood ― virtually. October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a chance to be sure you are doing your part to protect yourself and the value data and systems that keep public services working. ... CONTINUE READING

BARS keeper Alexandra Johnson to retire in October

On October 29, 2020, Alexandra Johnson, Assistant Audit Manager for the Local Government Support Team and Queen of BARS, will retire. ... CONTINUE READING

Lessons learned: Schedule 06 and documenting bank reconciliations

We’re jumping into some lessons learned from the 2020 filing season regarding Schedule 06 – Summary of Bank Reconciliations. Even if you don’t file a Schedule 06, these tips are useful when preparing any bank reconciliation, or other schedules or reports. These were identified as the most common areas of emphasis when SAO staff helped clients in 2020. ... CONTINUE READING

Nice To See You, WFOA 2020!

Staff from the Office of the Washington State Auditor are happy to (virtually) join our colleagues here to connect as we all navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. We have a lot to share with you. ... CONTINUE READING

'Women belong in all places where decisions are being made.' – RBG, 1933-2020

"I am saddened by the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but truly inspired by her legacy – particularly her full-throated advocacy for women’s rights. ... CONTINUE READING