The Audit Connection Blog

Performance audit highlights ways governments can reduce printing costs

Information can be transmitted, shared and read electronically around the world almost instantaneously. However, even as information has become increasingly digital, printed materials still play an important role in business and government operations. ... CONTINUE READING

We value local government feedback

The Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS) roundtables are underway in various locations all over the state.  Discussion in these free three hour meetings presented by the State Auditor’s Office, includes many topics such as: Information on changes to the BARS manual,   a preview of requirements for upcoming GASB standards, demonstration of the Financial Analysis Tool (FIT), and discussion of other valuable resources and trainings free to local governments. ... CONTINUE READING

Working together for workforce sustainability

The Washington Finance Officers Association (WFOA) has partnered with the Washington State Auditor’s Office for over 60 years to promote excellence in governmental finance through leadership, education and communication for the public benefit. ... CONTINUE READING

#CyberAware: Creating a strong password

Passwords are an everyday part of life whether you’re logging into your work, bank or social media accounts.  You should do everything you can to protect your passwords and use different passwords for different accounts as described in an earlier tip regarding “password reuse.” ... CONTINUE READING

Survey shows states are concerned about cyber security, and making progress

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) conducts an annual survey of state Chief Information Officers to learn about the top policy and technology issues state governments face. ... CONTINUE READING

#CyberAware about Ransomware

Imagine your local government’s files and documents held for ransom. The risk is greater than you think, with the number of cyber-attacks by ransomware increasing rapidly. ... CONTINUE READING

#CyberAware Month Tip One: The dangers of password reuse

Have you ever used the same password for your work PC as your home banking account or private email? Do you sometimes open email attachments before checking that the message is from someone you know and trust? Maybe you need to be #CyberAware! ... CONTINUE READING

Re-post:Washington's Military Department writes on #CyberAware Month

Gov. Jay Inslee is recognizing October as Cyber Security Awareness Month, a designation that comes on the heels of a summit between Maj. Gen. Bret Daugherty and Guard leaders from other states to help bolster the nation’s cybersecurity presence. ... CONTINUE READING

For the Love of Washington Cities

As a partner in the Government Performance Consortium (GPC) initiative, we are excited to share with you a mini-documentary about the first Love of Cities Tour in Washington State, which has sparked tremendous excitement across our state for new ways to connect cities and citizens in co-creating more vibrant, healthy and resilient communities. ... CONTINUE READING

New checklist for Cash Basis financial statements

The State Auditor’s Office is responsible for examining the financial affairs of all local governments in the state. We conduct more than 2,000 audits of local governments each year. Using the results of those audits, our Office then evaluates the overall patterns and that were reported. ... CONTINUE READING