The Audit Connection Blog

Web Page to Help Governments Implement Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) Update

The State Auditor’s Office has established a new OPEB web page to help local governments understand and implement GASB Statement No. 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, effective for fiscal years ending in 2018. ... CONTINUE READING

BARS roundtable sessions scheduled

We are offering the BARS Roundtable Sessions again this fall. The roundtable discussions are free, three-hour feedback opportunities open to all local governments. Past attendance included more than 400 local government representatives the last two years. ... CONTINUE READING

Auditor’s Office announces increase in hourly billing rate

This week, our Office notified local governments across Washington of a modest adjustment to our hourly billing rate that begins next year. ... CONTINUE READING

Positive Pay can help protect your organization from check fraud

Check fraud is a common financial crime here in Washington and nationwide. According to the American Bankers Association, check fraud accounted for 32 percent of the banking industry’s losses in 2015. ... CONTINUE READING

Repost from MRSC: Big Cybersecurity for Small Jurisdictions

From our friends at MRSC: Mike Kaser, IS Director for the City of Mercer Island, weighs in on protecting local governments from cyber attack. You can read the original here. ... CONTINUE READING

Make sure to meet requirements when purchasing using 'piggybacking' method

“Piggybacking” refers to one local government making purchases from contracts awarded by another government or group of governments via an interlocal agreement or contract. ... CONTINUE READING

Other post-employment benefits (OPEB) update

We’re already halfway through 2017, and 2018 is quickly approaching! GASB Statement No. 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, is effective for fiscal years ending in 2018. ... CONTINUE READING

GASB issues guidance on asset retirement obligations

The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) recently issued a new standard, GASB Statement 83, to provide accounting guidance on asset retirement obligations (AROs). ... CONTINUE READING

For 4th year in a row, more governments filing financial reports on time

Local governments are required to submit an annual financial report within 150 days after their fiscal year end under state law (RCW 43.09.230). Exhibit 1 illustrates that the number of governments meeting this requirement has increased for the fourth consecutive year. Exhibit 2 illustrates that 228 of the 302 governments that missed the filing deadline also missed the deadline in 2015. ... CONTINUE READING

The State Auditor's Office and MRSC expand financial policy guidance

Financial policies are an essential component of any local government’s financial health, but financial policy needs vary considerably from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Different types of entities (cities, towns, counties, and special purpose districts) have different needs depending on size, scope of activities, organizational and staffing structures, contractual and program structures, and the governing body’s values and priorities. ... CONTINUE READING