Optional - General Ledger Accounts

Significant Changes to Optional - General Ledger Accounts

Optional - General Ledger Accounts

Changed in 2023 -

Added liability code 217.50 Subscription Based IT Arrangements, Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships

Added liability code 263.13 Self-insurance and risk pool claims liabilities

Created excel file for governments to download, includes GL account numbers and descriptions. *GL Accounts are optional use*

General clean up, and added 'Optional' to the section title

Optional - General Ledger Accounts

Current year change -

Added liability code 263.13 Self-insurance and risk pool claims liabilities

Created excel file for governments to download, includes GL account numbers and descriptions. *GL Accounts are optional use*

1 Charts of Accounts

1.2 Optional - General Ledger Accounts

1.2.10 The specific account numbers contained here are not prescribed, with an exception for selected liabilities accounts which are required to be reported on the Schedule of Liabilities (Schedule 09). This general ledger has been carefully designed to meet several needs. 

1.2.20 First, the accounts provide for identification of assets, deferred outflows, liabilities, deferred inflows and fund balances/net position that any local government fund might acquire. Throughout the general ledger, the fourth or fifth and subsequent digits have been left for local governments to use in establishing more detailed breakdowns where needed.

1.2.30 Second, the general ledger has been designed to permit logical summarization of the detailed accounts at various levels. The table below illustrates in detail the structure of the general ledger.

1.2.40 Third, the comprehensiveness of the general ledger combined with the uniform summarization outlined above is designed to make the preparation balance sheets/statement of net position a simple matter of extracting the balances at the same level for all the funds of a government.  The headings on the attached chart identify which digits to sort or summarize by for reporting purposes. The presentation of a balance sheet/statement of net position is structured in similar manner as the general ledger accounts as shown in the attached chart.

1.2.50 The following excel file provides the list of optional general ledger accounts. The “GL Accounts” tab provides account titles and their corresponding account number. The “GL Accts w Descriptions” tab provides account titles and their corresponding account number along with account descriptions.

Download the excel workbook here: General Ledger Accounts