Note X – Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships (Transferor)

Significant Changes to Note X – Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships (Transferor)

Note X - Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships (Transferor)

Changed in 2023 -

Added for PPP implementation

Note X – Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships (Transferor)

A template for this note is not available. See “Instructions to preparer:” for disclosures that may be required.

Instructions to preparer:

A government transferor should disclose in notes to financial statements the following information about its Public-Public or Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) (which may be grouped for purposes of disclosure):

  1. A general description of its PPP arrangements, including the status of projects during the construction period, if applicable, and the basis, terms, and conditions on which any variable payments not included in the measurement of the receivable for installment payments are determined

  1. The nature and amounts of assets and deferred inflows of resources related to PPPs that are recognized in the financial statements

  1. The discount rate or rates applied to the measurement of the receivable for installment payments, if any

  1. The amount of inflows of resources recognized in the reporting period for variable and other payments not previously included in the measurement of the receivable for installment payments, including inflows of resources related to residual value guarantees and termination penalties

  1. The nature and extent of rights retained by the transferor or granted to the operator under the PPP arrangements