Note X – Interfund Balances and Transfers
A. Interfund Balances [1]
Interfund balances at December 31, 20__ were as follows:

B. Interfund Transfers [2]
Interfund transfers at December 31, 20__ were as follows:

Instructions to preparer:
List all major funds (governmental and enterprise). List other funds (non-major governmental, non-major enterprise, and internal service funds) in aggregate for each category. Some of these transfers may be immaterial so aggregate them into a single column or row titled All Others.
[1] Also, explain the purpose for the interfund balance and disclose which interfund balances are not expected to be repaid within one year from the date of financial statements.
[2] Provide a general description of the principal purpose of the government’s interfund transfers. Provide a detail description of the purpose for significant transfers. A transfer is considered significant if it meets either or both of the following criteria:
Does not occur on a routine basis, and/or
It is inconsistent with the activities of the fund making the transfer.