Note X - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

Significant Changes to Note X - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

Note X - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

Current year change -

New note disclosure for Accounting Changes and Error Corrections.

Note X - Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

A template for this note is not available. See “Instructions to preparer:” for disclosures that may be required.

Instructions to preparer:

Include changes in accounting principles, changes in accounting estimates, changes to or within the reporting entity, and error corrections in previously issued financial statements as defined at BARS 3.1.10. See the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Codification of Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (Cod.) Section (Sec.) 2250 —Additional Financial Reporting Considerations for more details.

For all accounting changes and error corrections, the note disclosure should include:

  1. A narrative description, specific details are included with each category below

  2. Tabular format that reconciles beginning net position/fund balances as previously reported to beginning net position/fund balances as adjusted or restated for each reporting unit for each accounting change and/or error correction

Specific narrative requirements for each accounting change and/or error correction are listed below:

Change in accounting principle:

  1. The nature of the change including:

    • Identification of the financial statement line item affected, and

    • Identification of the new pronouncement implemented

  2. The reason for the change; if not because of the implementation of a new pronouncement, include an explanation of why the new accounting principle is preferable

Change in accounting estimate:

  1. The nature of the change, including the identification of the line items affected

  2. The reason for the change to an input, if applicable, unless the change in measurement is required by a GASB pronouncement.

Change to or within the reporting entity:

  1. The nature of the change

  2. The reason for the change

Error correction:

  1. The nature of the error and the correction, including the periods affected by the error

  2. Identification of the financial statement line items that are affected by the error

  3. The effect on the prior period’s change in net position, fund balance, or fund net position, as applicable, had the error not occurred


Example – Change to or within the reporting entity: During fiscal year 20XX, the (government type) experienced a (change to OR within the financial reporting entity) which resulted in adjustments to the (beginning net position OR fund net position) as identified in Column (X) of the table below.

Example – Error correction: During fiscal year 20XX, the (government type) identified (describe error). The effect of that error is shown in Column (X) of the table below.

Table format example:



Net Position/Fund Balance
As previously reported

Change in accounting principle

Change to or within the financial reporting entity

Error correction


Net Position/Fund Balance As restated/adjusted







Governmental Activities






Business-type Activities






Total primary government






Governmental Funds

Major Funds:

General Fund

Fund 1

Nonmajor Funds

Total Governmental Funds

Fiduciary Funds

Fund 1

Discretely Presented Component Units

Fund 1

Total Discretely Presented Component Units